I just want my users to check domain availability, can I use this plugin without WHMCS or WooCommerce?”
Yes, WP Domain Checker can work without WHMCS or WooCommerce.
Do I need a Whois API?
No, we use a public Whois server provided by the domain registry, and it’s free.
What is the limit of queries on Whois servers?
It depends on each Whois server. For popular Whois servers like .com, .org, or .net, it should not be a problem to query thousands in a day.
Is it possible to check domains in several TLDs at once?
Yes, you can check multiple TLDs at once.
Can I link the order button to a custom URL? For example, my affiliate link?
Yes, you can use the Custom Link Integration, please check the documentaion here.
Why are domain results always Unavailable/already taken?
Please make sure that port 43 (TCP Outbound) is not blocked by your hosting/server firewall. If you don’t have access to your hosting server, you can ask your hosting customer support.
Can I integrate this plugin with the Woocommerce Subscription Plugin?
Yes, but it only supports the plugin available at https://woocommerce.com/products/woocommerce-subscriptions/
I just purchased the regular license. How many websites can I use it on?
You are only allowed to use it on one domain/website. Read more about the license here: https://help.market.envato.com/hc/en-us/sections/200616950-Licenses
I’m a theme developer. I want to bundle WP Domain Checker with one of my themes and distribute it. What license should I use?
You should use the Extended License. Read more about the license here: https://help.market.envato.com/hc/en-us/articles/115005593363-Do-I-need-a-Regular-License-or-an-Extended-License-
Do licenses have an expiry date? Will I ever have to pay any fees (like renewals or royalties)?
No and no! Envato licenses are ongoing and last for the life of the end product you create with the item you’ve licensed, subject to our right to terminate your license if you don’t comply with the license terms. Of course, if you make a different end product, you’ll usually need a new license.
Why did the Whois Server Updater fail to update?
Please make sure that the WP Domain Checker plugin directory’s permission is writable (wp-content/plugins/wp-domain-checker/). Follow the instructions below to change the directory permission: